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Union Jack flags at BST building gate
The British School in Tokyo offers a limited number of bursaries which are intended to assist eligible families who are unable to afford the full fees. At present, the number of bursaries is limited up to 7% of the total student roll. This ratio and the other factors to be considered in reviewing applications may be varied in the future without prior notice depending on the financial circumstances of both potential applicants and the School. Therefore, a bursary granted in one year may not be granted next year even if the financial situation of the family does not change from the previous year. Applicants should carefully consider the impact of potential non-renewal of a bursary before applying for the School and a bursary.


To be considered for a bursary the student and the student’s family must fulfil the School’s normal admissions requirements and also meet the following additional criteria:

  • There must be a demonstrable benefit to the student in receiving a British Education (as opposed to other systems of education available in Tokyo).
  • There must be a verifiable inability of the family to pay the full amount of the fees; the family will be asked to provide financial information sufficient to allow a detailed assessment to be made by the School; this includes annual tax returns and correspondence from employers; any bursary granted will be subject to reassessment of family means each year and may be varied, depending on family circumstances.
  • Parents have made an admission application and confirmed with the School Admission a realistic availability of space for next academic year.
  • Parents are certain that they will be able to pay the remainder of the fees for which their bursary does not cover. Past records of fees in arrears may adversely affect acceptance of applications.

Priority will be given to families in which the main earner is employed full-time in the Education Sector or in a not for profit organisation such as a charity.

Amount of Bursary

  • 100% waiver of enrolment fees
  • Up to 50% reduction of tuition fees (including Capital Development Fund)

General Conditions

  • Bursaries will not be given to students in Nursery and Reception.
  • Bursaries will be awarded only for one academic year, but may be renewed every year, subject to satisfactory student progress and annual reassessment of family financial circumstances. The number of bursaries and the other factors to be considered in reviewing applications may be varied in the future without prior notice depending on the financial circumstances of both potential applicants and the School. Therefore, a bursary granted in one year may not be granted next year even if the financial situation of the family does not change from the previous year.
  • Applications will initially be processed by the Bursar and final decisions will be made by a committee consisting of the Bursar, the Principal and a subset of the Trustees; the decision of the Committee on all matters, including what constitutes a demonstrable benefit to the student in receiving a British Education and whether there is a verifiable inability to pay the full amount of the fees, is final and not subject to appeal.
  • The period for acceptance of application forms for the academic year of 2024-25 has now closed. The schedule for the 2025-26 academic year will be published in mid March 2025.
  • If you have any questions about the Bursary Programme please email with the information of your name, your child's name and year group in the academic year of 2025-26.