Student Leadership
Student Leadership is a significant feature of daily life at BST and is essential for ensuring a school community where students know their voice is heard and valued. Furthermore, it creates a platform for students to build their leadership skills and positively impact the school and the broader community. Multiple groups within the Primary and Secondary Schools represent students and ensure leadership translates into positive action.
Primary School
Student Council
As the Primary School is currently accommodated on two campuses, each campus has its own Primary School Student Council. Each Primary class elects two representatives for the Council. During the year, the Council is involved in several exciting projects, and the Councillors share their ideas for school improvement with the Primary School Leadership Team. The Councillors then take this information back to their peers in their classrooms.
House Captains
The House Captains are role models for the other students in their House. Modelling the BST Way is an essential aspect of their role. Additionally, The House Captains are responsible for organising a termly house event. House events include competitions between the houses in various subjects and organising charitable activities, often collaborating with Secondary School House Captains.
Wellbeing Ambassadors
BST Wellbeing Ambassadors meet weekly and work with staff to organise events promoting emotional health and wellbeing. Wellbeing Week is one of these events and is their primary focus. Wellbeing Week focuses on the Five Ways to Wellbeing - Take Notice, Be Active, Connect, Give and Keep Learning. Students focus on one of these aspects daily and work on activities connected to them. The week concludes with an assembly led by the Ambassadors concentrating on giving and gratitude.
Art Ambassadors
Art Ambassadors meet to discuss upcoming art projects and exhibitions. The Art Ambassadors have been involved in projects such as wearable art and are responsible for promoting whole school art initiatives. Art Ambassadors are also positive role models for their peers and will mentor others to encourage a love for art.
Sports Leaders
BST Sports Leaders meet half termly and provide a voice for the students regarding many aspects of PE and Sport. These students are a channel for feedback regarding PE and Sports clubs, the PE uniform and charitable sporting activities. Sports Leaders plan and organise sports-focused assemblies and are invaluable in supporting the teachers to plan and run the Primary Sports Days.
Secondary School
The Prefect Team are central to life in the Secondary School. The election process is similar to the Primary School, and several students are appointed to different positions. While being an essential vehicle for student voices and views, the group also organises many school-wide events. These have included charity sales, baking competitions, discos and trips. They are also involved in a regional organisation called ‘Kanto Plains’, which links different student leadership groups from other schools. In addition to the Head Prefects, there are the following prefect teams:
- Service
- Senior School
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Wellbeing
- Culture and Community
- Student Council
- eCool (environment and sustainability)
House Leadership Teams
The House Leadership Teams include the House Captain, Vice-Captain, one Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11) representative and one Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) representative. These students meet weekly to plan House assemblies, intra and inter-House competitions, various seasonal events and tutor time activities. Through these mediums, the House Leadership Teams build House pride and identity and significantly impact the enjoyment and support available to all students in their House.
Sports Council
The Secondary Sports Council comprises a Sports Captain, Vice-Captain and Key Stage Representatives for each House. In addition to organising teams for various inter-house school events and promoting them, they provide a strong student voice regarding curriculum PE and extra-curricular sports.
Subject Ambassadors
Subject Ambassadors meet regularly in their teams to plan and lead subject-related events, such as assemblies or competitions. They use their passion and knowledge to promote their subjects throughout the year.