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The BST Difference

BST is a unique school serving the needs of a diverse community. With a robust heritage and history, the school provides students, families, and the community with an exceptional educational experience. From BST’s inception in 1989 to the present, it has inspired its students to succeed academically and socially, develop talents and passions, and make choices based on shared values.

BST Principal Ian Clayton
Principal's message

In 1919, just after the first world war, renowned physicist, Max Planck who had won a Nobel Prize, was doing a lecture tour of Germany on the subject of quantum mechanics. His driver had heard his lecture many times and joked with Planck that he could deliver it word for word. So the plot was hatched for the driver to deliver the lecture and for Planck to sit in the audience dressed as the driver. The driver delivered the lecture word perfectly to great applause. After the applause died down one of the physics professors in the audience asked an extremely difficult question. The driver replied without hesitation, “I am surprised that at such a learned university we get such a basic question. Why, it’s so simple even my driver could answer!” 

I want BST students to have the quick wittedness, sense of fun, risk taking mindset and flexibility of the driver and the in-depth applicable knowledge of Max Planck. The driver proves that on the surface you can learn something by heart, but not know it in depth. For years our educational systems were ‘an inch deep and a mile wide,’ great for winning ‘Trivial Pursuits’ but not for the demands of the middle 21st century. 

Here at BST we use our core values to produce happy and productive members of a global society. Everyone in our community should feel safe, accepted, known and successful. If this sounds like the kind of school that appeals to you then please feel free to contact Admissions. 

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BST students receiving awards
Uniquely BST


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BST student running at Nagasawa sportsfield
Uniquely BST

Vision &

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The school gate of The British School in Tokyo
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